Competition Introduction


Privacy-Preserving Computing Introduction

Privacy preserving computing is a collection of a series of technical systems, which integrates cryptography, statistics, artificial intelligence, computer hardware and many other disciplines. In essence, it meets: on the premise of not exposing the original data, the data and its value can be controllable and measurable to blend, share, circulate and compute. The development process of privacy preserving computing is the evolution process of modern cryptography, collaborative information theory, statistics, number theory and computer architecture, which can be roughly divided into four stages: germination period, exploration period, growth period and application period. At present, privacy computing is still in the period of rapid industrial introduction, and it is about to enter the era of "privacy computing +". In the future, privacy computing will become the underlying infrastructure of the digital age, just like the mobile Internet, water and power grid.

Privacy Computing Technology History Milestones

Technology Demonstration

Competition Organizing Committee

The organizing committee is responsible for the overall arrangement of the competition: the executive committee is responsible for the specific actual work arrangement and resource coordination; the expert committee invites honorary members to guide the competition and does not participate in the specific work; the judging committee is responsible for the review and evaluation, and the legal compliance committee invites legal professionals to guide the compliance of the competition.

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Entry Requirements

  • The competition is open to all sectors of society: Enterprises, individuals, scientific research organizations and universities
  • No limites for team composition, no more than 6 in each team, one person can only be in one team at the same track
  • Each team can choose one representative to contact the competition organizer. The team representative can log in the competition platform to complete the registration process before participating in the corresponding track
  • Specific requirements are in accordance with each sub-track regulations

Entry Equities

  • The competition award setting is determined by each sub-track
  • All the participants will have the opportunity to participate in the meetings, training and exchange activities held by the organizing committee

Entry Information

  • All participants shall be deemed to have fully understood the terms of the rules and are willing to fully comply with the rules
  • The organizing committee of the competition has the right of final interpretation


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